Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan shaking hand with Leader of Opposition Jamuna Devi in lighter mood during the opening day of State Assembly Session, in Bhopal on monday 06 july 2009. Speaker Ishwardas Rohani (R), Senior Congress MLA Ajay Singh Rahul, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kailash Vijayvergiya and UAD Minister Babulal Gaur (L) also present on this occasion.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
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Navi Mumbai Civic committees push through projects worth Rs 120 crore in just two meetings
ReplyDeleteHowever, Standing Committee Chairman Sandeep Naik denied all the allegations and said, "All corporators are unanimously approving all civic tender proposals, because corporation election will be held next year, and all of them will be answerable to the public. Therefore, they are giving immediate approvals to civic tenders like condominium work and so on."
Naik added, "The works under JNNURM has to be finished within time, otherwise Union government won't sanction funds for next phase of works. So, we are ensuring that all the approvals are sanctioned as soon as possible so that city is benefited maximum."
When contacted, Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nahata stated, "Each condominium work proposal is treated as independent case and contractors applying for this work should have minimum experience of doing similarly work of worth Rs 3crore. In that case, he can apply for one or more tenders. Besides, the tender is being allotted considering the eligibility and lowest quotation put up by the contractors."Members of NMMC's standing committee are a busy lot these days
Election code of conduct makes it a pre-poll extravaganza in NMMC
ReplyDeleteIn order to ensure that no public work gets hampered after the code of conduct comes under effect, the NMMC Standing Committee approved proposals worth Rs. 15 Crores 50 lacs in back to back two meetings held this week. Take a look at where all your taxes are being spent with a report from the NMMC Standing Committee meet.
Besides this the Standing Committee approved 28 administrative proposals that show an estimated budget of Rs. 5 Crore 80 Lacs 13 Thousand 948 for various public work. After this approval, the administration will now call for tenders for these proposals. In totality over 60 proposals were approved to execute civic projects worth over Rs 15 Crore 49 lacs 76 thousand 905. After the two marathon meetings and evident rush to clear proposals of corporators before the election code of conduct, Standing Committee Chairman Sandeep Naik said that they just want to ensure that public work is not hampered during election period.